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We must breathe, eat, drink, sleep. If these needs not satisfy or satisfy only partially, the body is sick. The psyche also has needs that must be satisfied, otherwise the «soul falls ill». Depression researcher Johann Hari transfers the causes of depression, and each of them is associated with the dissatisfaction of the basic needs of the psyche.

1. Work without authority

We have a need to both know this world, and act independently in it. Uniform work without the ability to make decisions and

Acceptez la position inverse du cavalier (nous rappelons-nous: c’est quand une femme d’en haut, mais siège face aux jambes d’un homme). Et ajoutez-y: pharmacie erection le partenaire jouer avec votre anus avec un doigt ou un vibrateur spécial (n’oubliez pas du lubrifiant!). Depuis lors, vous êtes allé, vous pouvez renforcer le sentiment avec l’aide d’un petit stimulateur de clitoris sur la sangle «papillon» – obtenez un triple plaisir en même temps!

see how the world changes a little as a result of our efforts, gives rise to longing. Stress is accumulated not because of responsibility, but because of the need to endure boredom.

Exit: acquisition of powers, creativity.

2. Loneliness

Since ancient times, a person has needed the help of fellow tribesmen. We need to be not in the crowd, but among the people who share our values.

Exit: find «our» with whom we will be connected by care and mutual assistance.

3. Departure from their values

Doing what is important to us, we are pleasure: this is how the mother enjoys leaving the baby, and the musician – the game. Doing something for the sake of benefit (money, approval, sex), we do not feel joy, and the achieved result does not justify efforts. Modern society aims us on false values (career, wealth), weanes to trust the needs of the soul.

Exit: discover your values and do what really pleases.

4. Childhood injury

In childhood, traumatic events cause depression in adulthood. The loss of parental support makes the child defend himself himself and hide. People seem to him unkind, and the world is dangerous.

Exit: recognition of injury and its consequences.

5. Settlement of status

Everyone has a need to feel like a valuable member of the group. The hierarchy in society is inevitable, but it sometimes takes destructive forms. Those in power humiliate subordinates. Mass culture extols celebrities and rich, depreciating the rest. High level of inequality makes everyone worry. Status instability is even more depressing than a low position.

Exit: stop «selling yourself» and envy, practice compassion and help others.

6. Get away by nature

For millions of years, nature was our habitat, our body was created for movement. City walls not only protect us, but also limit. The space from the wall to the wall is filled with heavy thoughts, it seems that the world is full of bitterness. In nature, we feel that the world is huge, and our troubles are small and controlled.

Exit: go in nature and move.

7. Loss of connection with the future

The suppressed people are narrowing the perception of time: for them there are only the coming hours and days filled with anxiety. This is not only a consequence, but also the cause of depression. Anyone who does not have a stable work, protection and the ability to manage life, feels like a limp chip on the waves. Planning is pointless, and the ideas about the future are atrophy for unnecessary. The feeling of life expectancy disappears, suicidal thoughts appear.

Exit: social protection. Creation and participation in public organizations aimed at solving this problem.

8. The effect of the snow coma

The brain constantly changes under the influence of signals from the outside world and our experience. Joy activates the pleasure zone, anxiety – zones of despair. The stronger and longer the signals, the more the corresponding zones are “trained”. Depression and physiological changes in the brain are caused by the outside world, and then support each other.

Exit: find and eliminate the social and psychological causes of depression, and not just biological.